Skilled Trades Prep

Your door to a rewarding career path!

Electrician Fixing the Light
Industrial Worker welding steel

About us

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Upcoming Events

Man Working on Wooden Plank Using a Machine



Factory worker

Contact Us

About Us

Skilled Trades Prep is a Canadian Registered Company ​and the only one that provides a unique accelerated ​service designed to support internationally skilled ​tradespeople in collaboration with Skilled Trades ​Ontario. This far, we helped thousands of skilled ​tradespeople to obtain their license from Canada. Our ​company is the only one that offers this service to ​people with lower level of English but posses the trades ​experience gained outside of Canada and hours of ​experience.

The Focus

Our service aim on assisting immigrants living ​in Canada and internationally trained ​tradespeople to successfully complete their ​Trades Equivalency Assessment (TEA) ​application to obtain trades license in Canada.

The Problem

Canada is currently facing a significant shortage of skilled trades workers across various industries. According to Statistics Canada, there are approximately 500,000 job vacancies in the skilled trades sector, with this number expected to rise in the coming years. This shortage is primarily attributed to several factors:

  • Aging Workforce
  • Increasing Demand
  • Changing Perceptions

Caution signs. Symbols danger and warning sign

Understanding the Problem

  • Barriers Faced by Internationally-Trained Tradespeople: Internationally-trained tradespeople face several barriers when attempting to obtain certification in and from Canada, adding to the challenges posed by the shortage of skilled workers:
  • Certification Processes
  • Language and Cultural Differences
  • Lack of Recognition
  • Credentialing Requirements

Understanding Icon


Skilled Trades Prep (STP) plays a pivotal role in addressing the challenges faced by internationally-trained tradespeople seeking certification in Canada.

We serve as a bridge between these individuals and the Canadian certification system, providing comprehensive support throughout the process:

  • STP's Role
  • Guidance and Support
  • Advocacy
  • Collaboration with Skilled Trades Ontario

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African-American Student Passing Exam at School

Program Designed for Experienced Workers to:

Circular Seal
Circular Seal
Circular Seal

Accelerate the certification process to complete their Trades Equivalency Assessment (TEA) Application.

Increase access to information, orientation, and support for internationally trained tradespeople.

Improve trade certification outcomes, and achieve success by guiding them through the exam preparation process. 

Why Choose STP

Hand drawn infographic for mind map

Accelerated Certification


While the traditional process may take years to navigate, STP streamlines the journey, often completing it within months.

Here's how:

Hand drawn infographic for mind map
Hand drawn infographic for mind map



Hand drawn infographic for mind map



Hand drawn infographic for mind map
Hand drawn infographic for mind map








Hand drawn infographic for mind map
Hand drawn infographic for mind map



Hand drawn infographic for mind map
Hand drawn infographic for mind map




Our Services

Prepare the Trade ​Equivalency Assessment ​(TEA) application​

Providing comprehensive ​materials and handouts ​for study purposes.

Guidance through the ​licensing process; assist to ​schedule their trade ​exams.

Who Should Work with STP

breakdown of the target audience and eligibility criteria for STP's services:

accuracy bullseye center dart goal marketing taget



Candidate Selection at Personal and Technical round Interview



Jobs Icon



Maple Leaf Illustration

Requisite Hours

of Experience

Tradespeople Desire

for Certification

in Ontario, Canada

Types of designated trades that you

In Ontario, there are 144 designated skilled trades to choose from in key industries.

Skilled Trades Prep, are here to help you get a Certificate of Qualification in the trade you desire.



Close-up Photography of Vehicle Wheel and Hankook Tire


Other Trades


Processing fees for skilled trades license:

  • Assessment fee for Skilled Trades Ontario: $265.55
  • Exam fee for the Ministry: $169.50

Please note that some trades require pre-requisite ​courses before submitting the TEA application

Do you reside outside ​Canada?

If you reside outside ​Canada, we will help ​you apply for a visa ​to Canada to write ​your exam

Learn More
Template for phone number. Contact support


immigration & legal AGENCY

Airplane Dotted Route

Writing your Exam in Canada

In partnership with Ramlawi Immigration & Legal Agency, we will ​assist you to apply for a visitor visa to write your exam in Canada

Residing outside Canada and would like to get certified? We ​got you.

Book your free consultation below

Backhand Index Pointing down
Free consultation icon

Email us for further immigration ​inquiries at ​

Ready to get started?

Access better work opportunities in skilled trades today, book your consultation.

Book Now
I can book us those movie tickets right now...
Isolated Dubai Cityscape

Upcoming Events

We are excited to announce that, in ​partnership with BeGlobal, Skilled ​Trades Prep and Ramlawi Immigration ​Agency will be travelling from Canada to ​Dubai September 19! This visit is an ​excellent opportunity to connect with ​inspiring business leaders, explore new ​possibilities for collaboration, and ​engage in discussions on innovative ​business ventures, potential investments, ​and skill development partnerships

Isolated Dubai Cityscape

Upcoming Events

Career Event - Dubai

We are excited to announce that, in ​partnership with BeGlobal, Skilled Trades ​Prep will be travelling from Canada to ​Dubai next week! This visit is an excellent ​opportunity to connect with inspiring ​business leaders, explore new ​possibilities for collaboration, and ​engage in discussions on innovative ​business ventures, potential investments, ​and skill development partnerships

Business people shaking hands at business event

Purpose of Event

Get Involved:

If you’re in Dubai and interested in ​meeting up, we would love to connect ​with you. Whether it’s over coffee, a ​discussion about potential ​collaborations, or just sharing ideas, your ​participation would be greatly ​appreciated.

Join Us:

Don't miss this opportunity to engage with us ​and explore the vibrant energy that Dubai has to ​offer. We look forward to connecting with you.

Meeting Table Networking Sharing Concept

Why attend?

  • Network with industry leaders and ​professionals from various sectors.
  • Explore collaboration opportunities ​that could lead to impactful ​partnerships.
  • Discuss potential investments and ​initiatives focused on skill ​development.

Events information

Dates: Sep 19 - 24, 2024

Location: Dubai, UAE

Group of cheerful colleagues enjoying lunch break at event

Register Today!

(289) 439-1501

Portrait of a Teacher

Get in touch!

We are available 7 days a week to ​answer your questions and concerns.